
Aedas新作 | 香港西贡WM酒店

2021-08-18 23:134160


The hotel is equipped with a swimming pool and private gardens on the roof, which double up as medium for reducing solar heat gain. 面向大海的一侧,设计通过 "之 "字形布局打造了两个下沉式广场。其中南侧为婚礼花园,通过坡形台阶可以通向小教堂,最大限度减少了对海景的阻挡,同时也提供了拍照场地。北侧为商业零售广场,设计沿外围打造了可供观看活动和表演所设的露天剧场;向里走访客可在水景旁尽享美食。设计以海滨风光下,将商业、娱乐和服务相结合,打造出充满活力的休闲目的地。 On the seafront, the zig-zag composition created two sunken plazas. On one hand, a set of stairs lead up to a chapel in the wedding garden, which is designed to maximise sea view, and provide ceremonial photo-taking opportunities. On the other hand, in the retail plaza area, an amphitheater seating area is created for events and performances; further out, visitors can discover and indulge in food and beverages along the waterfront— Combining commercial, entertainment and services against the backdrop of an exquisite sea view, a zestful leisure destination is created.

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